Comunidade do Pilar e a revitalização do bairro do Recife: Possibilidades de inclusão socioespacial dos moradores ou gentrificação

Nancy Siqueira Nery
Cláudio Jorge Moura de Castilho


Analysis and discussions concern current relations between the urban re-qualifying process and dwellers of the Pilar community at the Recife neighbourhood, in the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco. First consideration was given to actions comprising the 1990s neighbourhood revitalization plan which divided the area into specific sectors and put forward several interventions aiming to boost the economic development of the place, associating these measures to the conservation of the existing qualified buildings. The next stage concerned the identification of the proposals of the urban re-qualifying plan, specifically developed for the Pilar area, where low-income (poor) dwellers have been living since the 70s. Finally, we proceeded to the identification of the current proposals for social-spatial inclusion of the dwellers of the Pilar Community, as there is currently a project involving positive actions to keep the dwellers in the area. Nevertheless, it is vital to make sure if these measures will actually promote the socio-space inclusion of those dwellers or could lead to the gentrification of the area.

Kewyords: revitalization, urban re-qualification, social-spatial inclusion, Pilar Community, gentrification.